Coresuite designer
- [Coresuite Designer] Avoid from setting PageFooter with CanShrink = True
- How to export documents as PDF/A
- Default forms (text, form types, parameter, layout types) do not open in list format but in an empty form
- Microsoft Outlook does not open though Send Mode is set to 0 (default) or displays message "outlook not found"
- coresuite designer API Documentation
- Change language in coresuite designer Reporter rendering engine
- Item has already been added. Key in dictionary 'SWA_LD_Master_Landscape' Key being added
- Performance problems on layouts/printing
- Coresuite Dashboard: Error in Crystal Printer. Message: Database logon failed
- How To reinstall datasources / Layouts
- How To Create a Support Package (EN)
- Import SAP Crystal Reports into coresuite designer
- Missing Menu items - missing Reports
- PageSums / Page Breaks are not correct
- How can i extend/change predefined datasources
- text language in printouts for automatically translated values
- Scripting - Why do i get messages like : "can not cast to numeric value" ?
- How can i start a script after printing a document?