Issue description
After installation, some menu items and/or reports are missing.
Search terms
menu, empty, reports, form settings, country, localization
Troubleshooting steps/tips
1. Corrupt Print Definitions
--> check that the Print/Layoutdefinitions are available via Administration-> Add-ons->coresuite designer->Layoutmanagement
- if yes, reinstall
- if no, reinstall Print/Layoutdefinitions via Administration-> Add-ons->coresuite designer->Configuration->Install->Reinstall
2. Missing Language EN
--> check which languages are defined in the DB (Administration->Setup->General->Languages)
NOTE: You have the Language Short Name in this form which is used in Text respectively Translation files in the modules; OLNG shows the Language Short Name and the Language Code:
Solution to "Missing Language EN"
1. In case Language Short Name EN is not added to the Languages - Setup, create an Entry for it:
Language Short Name: EN
Language Full Name: English
Related System Language: English (United States)
2. import the Text file via Administration-> Add-ons->coresuite designer->Configuration->Text
3. restart SBO client (and addon); NOTE: only restarting the addon is not enough!
3. Missing mapping for localization
--> Check under "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One\AddOns\COR\coresuite\COR_LD_Accounting\CountryClasses"
if there is a folder for the locatlization of the affected database (e.g. "CH" for Switzerland, "CY" for Cyprus,...) and includes the file "groupmask.xml"
Solution to "Missing mapping for localization"
1. In case the folder for the localization of the affected database is missing:
-> For each affected Client create the folder with the correct Country Code and add the file "groupmask.xml". For most countries the file group mask mapping is the same. It includes the mapping from the Chart of Accounts folder to P for Profit & Loss or B for Balance.
Contact coresystems support to inform about the new localization in SAP Business One to be included in the standard coresuite accounting.
2. In case the file "groupmask.xml" is missing in the folder for the localization of the affected database:
-> For each affected Client add the file "groupmask.xml". For most countries the file group mask mapping is the same. It includes the mapping from the Chart of Accounts folder to P for Profit & Loss or B for Balance.
The cause for this could be a temorary block that files could not be copied completely. If they are missing on all clients contact coresystems support to investigate if there is something to adjust in the standard.
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