It is now possible to hide fields for certain userGroups in the FSM mobile app.
How to achieve this:
- Select the ScreenConfiguration of the object in which you want to hide a field for a specific PolicyGroup
- Select a field on a pannel and navigate to advanced Settings:
- Add the following statement in the visible expression:
${currentProfile.userAccountGroupName} === 'USERGROUP'
- After saving via the tick at the top right, the visibility of the fields depends on the user group
The activity type should only be visible to the userGroup 'Admin (pre-configured)'. Without the customisation every userGroup can see the activity type:
To show this field only to the userGroup 'Admin', we need to add the above statement to the visible expression:
If we now go into the app, we can see that after synchronisation with a user who uses a different userGroup, the field 'activity.type' is not visible:
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