On newly installed systems the modules do not load. What are the reasons?
There can be several reasons why modules on a client (often newly installed) do not load:
Starting configuration not set for the specific user
If single modules do not start, check the module configuration:
- company level (Global module configuration): Administration>Add-Ons>coresuite administration>Administration>Global module configuration
- user level (User module configuration): Administration>Add-Ons>coresuite administration>Administration>User module configuration
Licenses not assigned
If the module configuration is set properly but the licenses are not assigned, a message "no license assigned" is displayed during the start of the coresuite AddOn. In this case please ensure, that enough licenses are available and the licenses are assigned properly to the specific user.
Wrong permissions
If the user does not have enough permissions during the installation and/or update process on the SAP Business One directory, the application is not allowed to unpack and install the required files. This leads to an incomplete and faulty installation. Therefore it is required to have FULL (read/write) permissions on the SAP Business One add-on directory at least during the installation and update process. For clients running on Windows Vista/7 and Windows Server 2008/2012, SAP Business One has to be started explicitly as Administrator via "Right-click>Run as Administrator" (this applies also if the windows user has local Administrator Privileges – reference: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-IE/windows7/Installing-programs-frequently-asked-questions). Please check the system requirements for more details (e.g. on which OS you need to start SAP Business One explicitly via right-click).
To ensure installations and Updates are completed successfully, the following should be adhered to:
- Make sure the windows users have full permission on their AddOn directory
- Log on to SAP Business One with a SBO Superuser (at least on the first client!)
- Install the modules
Restart the SAP Business One Application on each client (NOTE: on Windows Vista/7 and Windows Server 2008/2012 SAP Business One must be started explicitly as Administrator)
Missing modules in the coresuite database
This happens mostly when the SAP Business One installation is moved to a new server. Often one only moves the SBO-Common and the company databases but forgets about the coresuite database. After the move of only the SBO-Common and the company database(s) the installation appears to run fine as all the modules are installed locally on the actual clients. On any newly set up client, coresuite will not start correctly. The modules will not be loaded.
The coresuite database contains coresuite modules and any individual sips that were created for this installation (additional non-standard modules or reports distributed by sips). The modules table is the location where all downloaded module updates are saved (no matter if they were eventually installed or only downloaded), and therefore acts as a kind of installation history of our onpremise products.
When SAP Business One is started on a client, the system checks if the latest versions of the relevant modules are available on the client. This check is performed against the modules table in the coresuite database. If a newer version of a module is available in the modules table, the system copies the relevant files to the client. In case of an empty modules table, this task cannot be performed and results in the situation that
a) no modules are installed on the client application
b) incorrect versions of some modules are installed (via the installer)
To avoid this situation it is absolutely necessary to move the coresuite database as well as the SBO-Common and the company databases when moving a SAP Business One installation to a new server. This is also very important in order to avoid data loss when running the coresuite mobile solutions.
If the old backup of the coresuite database is available perform the following steps:
- Restore the coresuite database to the new server
- Make sure the users have full permission on their AddOn directory
- Restart the SAP Business One Application on each client (NOTE: on Windows Vista/7 and Windows Server 2008/2012 SAP Business One must be started explicitly as Administrator)
If no old backup of the coresuite database is available perform the following steps:
- On a client, where all modules are running correctly, go to the SAP Business One AddOn Directory (%SAP Business One%\AddOns\COR\coresuite)
- Copy all the *.SIP files to a temporary folder
- Start the SAP Business One Application and go to: Administration>Add-Ons>coresuite administration>Administration
- Load all copied *.SIP files manually into the database and install them as described in the manual
- Make sure the users have full permission on their AddOn directory
- Restart the SAP Business One Application on each client (NOTE: on Windows Vista/7 and Windows Server 2008/2012 SAP Business One must be started explicitly as Administrator)
Note: The coresuite database is never emptied by the AddOn itself. The coresuite database can only be emptied by actions of the system administrator or user.
Message appears with deactivated coresuite AddOn as well
If you get the message "The database structure has been modified" during the start up of SAP Business One with the deactivated coresuite AddOn as well, check the attached SAP Note "1076082 - UDT & UDF related issues".
The system shows randomly the message "The database structure has been modified." for each user on the same company database.
Randomly, but mostly when a user logs on to SAP Business One all users get the message "The database structure has been modified". This behaviour is related to the topics wrong permissions and/or to missing modules in the coresuite database above.
To solve the described behaviour follow the steps:
- Check the topic wrong permissions above
- Check the topic missing module in the coresuite database above
- Make sure the users have full permission on their AddOn directory
- WITHOUT exception, restart the SAP Business One Application on EACH client for EACH Database (NOTE: on Windows Vista/7 and Windows Server 2008/2012 SAP Business One must be started explicitly as Administrator)
If the message still appears and you cannot figure out which client is triggering it, the following procedure helps you to figure out the clients without the necessary Windows folder permissions.
- Go to Administration>Add-ons>coresuite customize>Import/Export>Import Rules
- Import the attached Customize Rule COR_CheckCoresuiteFolder.cocu
- Restart the Coresuite AddOn
- The rule checks on every start for each user if he has write permissions on the AddOn directory. If not it displays the following message.
If this message shows up for users please proceed with the steps described above. - As soon the issue is sorted out deactivate the Coresuite Customize rule "COR: Check coresuite folder" under Administration>Add-ons>coresuite customize>Optimizer.
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