Issue description
Company database upgrades fails with the following error message in the Upgrade Log:
table name=@SWA_LD_SUBSCRPARAM2 TID=2960 2016-03-03 10:26:14.158991 Stp Err I Tec "UpgStep-Table Upg ...Failed, error code: -1 |
This is caused by the issue outlined in SAP Note 2268646 - Company database upgrade unsuccessful due to an User-Defined Table error.
Search Terms
Upgrade, upgrading, fail, failure, unsuccessful, @SWA_LD_SUBSCRPARAM2, UDT, error, issue, param
This issue only occurs in databases with existing "Report Subscriptions" (Administration->Add-ons->coresuite designer->Report Subscription).
Even if you have not created any Subscriptions by yourself, with coresuite designer version 4.85 we had added a sample Subscription.
To verify, if your Database Upgrade would fail due to that issue, please run the following query:
In case this query shows any results, please move to the section "Workaround" below.
@SWA_LD_SUBSCRPARAM2 is a UDT of Object Type "Master Data Rows" which is used in UDO SWA_LD_SUBSCR2. @SWA_LD_SUBSCRPARAM2 contains only the Parameter mappings for existing Subscriptions. Removing the mappings does not compromise the data integrity; it simply results in existing Subscriptions not working.
Option 1 (preferred option - steps to be performed BEFORE attempting to perform SAP Business One Upgrade!)
- go to Administration->Add-ons->coresuite designer->Import/Export
- export all/the required Subscriptions
- go to Administration->Add-ons->coresuite designer->Report Subscription
- browse to each of your Subscriptions, right-click->Remove
- go to Tools->Customisation Tools-> User-Defined Tables-Setup
- locate the row with "SWA_LD_SUBSCRPARAM2", right-click->Remove
- close SAP Business One
- start SAP Business One via right-click->Run as Admin
- start coresuite addon
=> the UDT SWA_LD_SUBSCRPARAM2 is recreated without any Data
Upon upgrading SAP Business One, the following steps need to be performed in case you have your own Subscriptions in the Database:
- go to Administration->Add-ons->coresuite designer->Import/Export
- import all/the required Subscriptions => select overwrite
Option 2 (option to be used if database cannot be accessed anymore in its original SAP Business One Patchlevel - in case of an already failed upgrade)
- restore the original backup of the database again
- run the following query: DELETE FROM "@SWA_LD_SUBSCRPARAM2"
- perform the database upgrade
Upon upgrading SAP Business One, the following steps need to be performed in case you have your own Subscriptions in the database:
- go to Administration->Add-ons->coresuite designer->Report Subscription
- open your Subscription
- go to the Parameter Tab, click on "Auto mapping"
- repeat step 2-3 for each of your Subscriptions
- 4th March 2016: we expect the issue to be fixed with 9.1 PL12 and 9.2 PL02
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