Using coresuite products with SAP Business One 9.2
The Early Adopter Care Program for SAP Business One 9.2 and SAP Business One 9.2, version for HANA started on 16th December 2015.
The SAP Early Adopter Care is one of the newly launched SAP’s Market Introduction programs to influence and adopt SAP innovations throughout the product lifecycle. For SAP Business One, the SAP Early Adopter Care program replaces the former Ramp-Up program.
During the Early Adopter Care phase, the new SAP Business One version is available to install anywhere but for productive systems the SAP nomination process needs to be followed. The nomination process applies to SAP Business One only - there is no nomination process for coresuite Products.
Due to the nature of the Early Adopter Care pahse, changes and improvements of the software provided by SAP are implemented faster than for versions in unrestricted shipment. This means we are continuously testing and working on getting our products to work with this new SAP Business One minor release.
At present the following coresuite Products are available for Standard 9.2 SAP Business One Client applications:
- coresuite country package
- coresuite time
- coresuite cube
- cloud connector
None of our onPremise Products are currently supported for use via the Browser Access of SAP Business One 9.2. Coresystems aims to provide existing Coresuite functionalities in the Browser Access. Therefore Coresystems is currently checking the possibilities with the focus on user functionality (Layouts as PDF, triggers of Customize rules, etc.). Configuration windows and tools (for example, creating layouts, creating Customize rules, etc.) are expected to be available exclusively in the familiar environment. Once the details are known, we will communicate this via this FAQ and through the newsletter.
We have now included SAP Business One 9.2 in our system requirements. We have also listed 9.2 on our Country Package and other B1 Modules page and made automatic module downloads available from 9.2 PL02.
To stay up to date on the progress, please subscribe to this entry (use the subscribe button on the right-hand top corner). Any news in respect of SAP Business One 9.2 with coresuite products, will be communicated via this FAQ.
onPremise Products
- Ensure that you have at least 9.2 PL02 installed – previous Patch levels are NOT supported
- When running our onPremise products on 64-bit SAP Business One Client Applications, the 32-bit DI-API needs to also be installed
What steps do you have to follow?
onPremise Products:
The process for SAP Business One 9.2 is identical to the process for SAP Business One 9.1 Please refer to the Upgrade/Installation for SAP Business One 9.1 FAQ for the a comprehensive description.
Where can you get the necessary software?
- For 32-bit SAP Business One Client Applications, please use the latest installer marked “Installer for SAP Business One 9.1 & 9.2 32-Bit Client Application” available in our coresuite installers download area
- For 64-bit SAP Business One Client Applications, please use the latest installer marked “Installer for SAP Business One 9.1 & 9.2 64-Bit Client Application” available in our coresuite installers download area
Please note that we have restructured our "coresuite installers download area" to:
- Universal installer for SQL and HANA platform: Business One Version 8.82 / 9.0
- Universal installer for SQL, HANA and onDemand platform: Business One Version 9.1 / 9.2
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