Issue description
coresuite cannot be started due to the following error message:
Exception during loading of coresuite. Please contat your SAP sales partner.
Message: Specified argument was out of range of valid values.
Exception during loading of coresuite. Please contact your SAP Sales Partner. Message: Der Typeninitialisierer für„System.Windows.Media.FontFamily“ hat eine Ausnahme verursacht.
Troubleshooting steps/tips
Check if Debuglog contains a eference to "FontCache"
If reference to FontCache, check if the Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache Service exists (Run: services.msc -> Check for Service)
- in case this Service does not exist, reinstall .Net 3.5 SP1
- in case this Service exists, complete the following steps:
- Stop Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache service
Delete all the available “FontCache…dat” files, such as “FontCache-System.dat” or “FontCache3.0.0.0.dat” which can be found under:
in XP: %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data
in Vista: %windir%\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local
- restart the System BEFORE restarting SBO
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