Territories can be defined and assigned to business partners and sales employees in SAP.
The main advantage is that sales employees only see the business partners from the territories assigned to them.
Configuration on SAP side:
Defining territories
Verify that your user has admin privileges
- Navigate to territory setup via Administration > Setup > General
- Inside it's possible to define different hierarchies
- e.g. Europe as the main territory
- e.g. Switzerland, Austria and Germany as subsidiaries
Assigning territories to business Partners
Once defined, it's possible to assign these hierarchies to business partners. Territories can be allocated to business partners of type "Lead" or "Customer".
- To assign the territory just go into "Business Partner Master Data" and click onto the territory field.
- Just choose a territory you want to assign and update the business partner.
Assigning territories to sales employees
- To assign a territory to a sales employee it's important to know which ID a territory has.
- To verify the IDs just check the OTER table or use the following query:
SQL - Check for territory ID
After you know which ID you want to assign to a sales employee, navigate to "Employee Master Data" and activate the View "User-Defined Fields" (Ctrl+Shift+U)
Now it's possible to assign one or more territories to the employee.
In this example the territory 2 (Switzerland) and 4 (Austria) was assigned to the same sales employee.
As soon as this UDF is updated, the sales employee is assigned to these territories.
Territories in coresuite mobile
Assigning a territory to a new business partner
It's possible to create business partners and assign territories to them with coresuite mobile
It's possible to either take the top level territory (Europe) or assign a specific territory to a business partner.
Checking the employees for assigned territory
It's also possible to check for territories in the employee detail screen.
Permission Configuration
Configuring permissions for coresuite mobile users
1.It's important to know, that the users will still be able to see all the business partners, even if territories are configured, as long as the permissions are not adjusted.
The territory permission group is called Group. To be able to work with territories its important to set the Read permissions to a value you want.
Read : OWN
You will only see territories (and sub-territories) that are assigned
to you in SAP.
Read : ALL
There is no restriction; you can see all territories. -
As soon as the "Group" and "Business Partner" permission group is set to "OWN", the functionality of the business partner permission is changed.
Read : OWN
Business partners whom you aren't the assigned sales person and
you haven't created:
If the business partner is in a territory that is assigned to you, you
will see them, otherwise you will not.
Read : ALL
Business partners for which you are the assigned sales person or
which you have created:
The territories will not have an effect, i.e. you will still see these
business partners, even if they are assigned to other territories.
E.g. for the "Read - All" permissions:
If these permissions are set to "Read - Own", we have the following result:
Known Issues
Once you have assigned one or several territories to a business partner, you can still change them. However, deleting them does not work at the moment. When you delete a territory, it disappears from your device/from the business client, but in SAP it is not removed. We have reported this error to SAP. As soon as this has been fixed, deleting territories will work again.
1 comment
Can I use this functions also for SALESORDER, so that only Salesorder be shown with this territories, if I changed the button READ to "OWN"?
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