Q: Where can I download the latest cloud connector for SAP Business One?
A: The latest version of the coresuite cloud connector can always be found here https://mc.coresuite.com/connector/sapb1/cloudconnectorsetup.exe.
Q: Where should I install the coresuite cloud connector?
A: We recommend to install the coresuite cloud connector on the SAP Business One server or if you have a separated SQL server, we recommend to install it on the SQL server directly.
Q: During the configuration the message "Saving failed: Cloud could not be reached. Please try again later."
A: Please check that your system is connected to the internet. This error might also happen if the cloud is currently in maintenance mode; then please try again later.
Q: During the configuration with the installation wizard I'm not able to connect to my company.
A: Please check if you can log in with the specified user directly to SAP Business One. If this also won't work, check that your credentials are valid and that the license-server is running.
Q: During the configuration with the installation wizard the following error-message appears "The TAO NT Naming Service has stopped".
A: Please check that the SAP license service is running and correctly configured. If you have change something on your license server configuration, please note that you have to restart the coresuite cloud connector service too. If this does not solve the issue, stop the coresuite cloud connector service and delete the "SM_OBS_DLL" folder in your "\Windows\temp" directory and start the coresuite cloud connector service again. If this does not solve the issue, please try to reinstall the "SAP DI API" again.
Q: Where is my configuration file stored?
A: If you're using Microsoft Windows 2008 server the configuration is stored in "%ProgramData%\coresystems\coresuite\sapb1_cloudconnector.dat". If you're using Microsoft Windows 2003 server the configuration file is stored in "\Documents and Settings\All Users\coresystems\coresuite\sapb1_cloudconnector.dat"
Q: What is the name of the windows connector service?
A: The display name is "coresuite cloud connector service" and the internal name is "coresuitecloudconnector".
Q: What does the coresuite cloud connector setup change on my system?
+ A new database with the name "coresuite" is created (if it doesn't already exist from a previous installed coresuite framework). Inside the "coresuite" database the following tables "COR_CLOUD_CONFIRM", "COR_CLOUD_RECEIVED" and "COR_CLOUD_SEND" are created.
+ The coresuite cloud connector changes the "SBO_SP_PostTransactionNotice" stored procedure in every SAP Business One database which is connected to the cloud. This is necessary to catch every occurring event.
+ A new UDT "COR_CLOUD_REPORT" is created in every SAP Business One database which is connected to the cloud. This UDT is used to manage the report data.
+ Copies the program data to "\Program Files (x86)\coresystems ag\coresuite cloud connector" or to any other location you choose during the setup.
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