Table of Contents
III. How do I need to configure Microsoft Entra ID - Admin Center?
IV. What do I need to configure in Coresuite Designer?
V. What to configure if I want to use Office 365 for Coresuite Service?
I. Introduction (Back to Table of Contents)
As of version 7.30, it is possible to use Office 365 for sending emails using Coresuite Designer and Coresuite Service.
This document describes the required configuration of Microsoft Entra ID (from here on also referred to as "Entra/ Microsoft Entra") and the new Send Mode options in the "Email/Fax" tab of Coresuite Designer Printdefinitions.
II. Prerequisites (Back to Table of Contents)
- Office 365 administrator privileges on Entra
- Coresuite Designer Version 7.30
- Min SAP Business One 9.2 PL04 – previous Patchlevels are NOT supported
- Active Internet connection (in all respective workstations from which emails are to be sent with Coresuite Designer; the Server where Coresuite Service is installed, if used)
III. How do I need to configure Microsoft Entra ID?
(Back to Table of Contents)
- Go to Microsoft Entra Admin Center (
- Click on App registrations
- Click on New registration
- Apply the following settings for the new application:
- Enter a Name (e.g. Designer_Office365)
- Set Accounts in this organizational directory only (******** only - Single tenant)
- Click on Register to save changes
- In newly created application, click on API permissions
- Add API permissions by clicking on Add permission
- Select API with name Microsoft Graph
- Grant the permissions:
- Select Delegated permissions
- Search for "mail" under Select permissions, expand the Mailsection and tick the one with the name Mail.Send
- Click on Add permissions to save changes
- Then click on Authentication and Add a platform
- In the new pop-up named Configure platforms
- Select Mobile and desktop applications
- Tick the link
- Save changes by clicking on the Configure button
- Now click on Overview and copy the values from
- Application (client) ID
- Directory (tenant) ID
Please note that Application (Client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID are sensitive data and for security reasons, they must not be disclosed to any third party.
IV. What do I need to configure in Designer? (Back to Table of Contents)
- In SAP Business One, go to Administration->Add-ons->coresuite designer->Configuration->Email tab
- Switch to sub-tab Office 365 and paste values Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID generated in AAD (described in section III How do I need to configure Azure?)
- Click on Set Values button to save values back to the database
As these values generated by AAD are sensitive, once they are saved to the database, we are masking them in the UI of SAP Business One, and only the first 4 characters are displayed, so they can be validated against Azure. - In the Email tab of the Printdefinition set the Send Mode to either Office 365 Prompt or Office 365 Direct
Please note that From Address is deactivated. Coresuite Designer will automatically use the email address of the Microsoft Account signed in on the workstation as the sender. - Save changes and close the Printdefinition
- Now this Printdefinition will use Office 365 for sending an email when you will click on the email button in SAP Business One.
Please note that you will be prompted once to sign-in into Microsoft Account in order to validate the user.
V. What to configure if I want to use Office 365 for Coresuite Service? (Back to Table of Contents)
In addition to the configuration in section III How do I need to configure Microsoft Entra ID?, you will need to add a further application permission as well as a client secret in AAD. This will ensure that Coresuite Service will be considered as a trusted application and no additional "Sign-in" popup for account verification does appear.
Application Permission:
- In Microsoft Entra Admin Center, click on App registrations
- Select the application which you created in section III How do I need to configure Microsoft Entra ID?
- Click on API permissions → Microsoft Graph (2)
- In a popup displayed, add the following permission:
- Select Application permissions
- Search for "mail" under Select permissions, expand the Mail section and tick the one with the name Mail.Send
- Click on Update permissions
- Once the permission is updated, you need to grant the consent to the application by clicking on Grant admin consent for *****
Client Secret:
- Now for the same application, click on Certificates & secrets → New client secret
- Add a Description and an expiration period for the secret, and Add it
- Copy the newly generated "secret"
Please note that the Client secret is sensitive data and for security reasons, it must not be disclosed to any third party. - Paste the "secret" into the field Client Secret in the Coresuite Designer configuration (Administration->
Add-ons->coresuite designer->Configuration->Email->Office 365), leave the field and save the value back to the database by clicking on Set Values button - In the Email tab of the Printdefinition which is meant to be used by Coresuite Service (and specified in the respective rule), set the Send Mode to "Office 365 for service" and fill the From Address field with the email address of the required user from the AAD list
As Coresuite Service is usually installed on a single specific machine, it is required to specify a sender (From Address) for emails sent by Coresuite Service - Now restart Coresuite Service in order to apply the new configuration and to send emails via Office 365
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