Dear customers and partners,
In order to protect SAP systems from Business Rules which produce too much load, SAP will limit the size of Variables, which are defined in Business Rules, to 800,000 (eight hundred thousand) characters.
From the 1st July 2022 Business Rules which select variables with more than 800,000 characters will fail with a related error message.
This limitation affects only very few Business Rules. With SAP internal health checks they already identified such rules, which in the past already would have been affected by this limitation and SAP already notified both, the technical contact of the Business Rule as well as the Email-Address which is assigned to the related account.
These notifications also contain concrete proposals per affected Business Rule how to improve it.
Further hint: Usually such affected Business Rules can be adjusted and improved in a very easy way, by limiting the data which are selected to these attributes which really are needed.
For example, if you want to have an array variable related to activities and you only need ID and code of the selected activities, enter the select statement in such a way that you don’t retrieve an array with complete activity data but enter it like this: “select, activity.code from Activity activity where …. “
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