DI Operations
Connect coresuite time API from an external project
//include the DLL's SWA_CT.dll, SWA_CT_DI.dll and SwissAddonFramework.dll
SwissAddonFramework.B1Connector.GetB1DIOnlyConnector("sapusername", "sappassword", "licenseserver:30000", SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_German, "sqlserver", SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2008, "companydb", out errCode);
Add project
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Project project = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Project();
project.BusinessPartnerObject = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.BusinessPartner("cardCode");
project.Subject = "subject";
Add effort
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Effort effort = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Effort();
effort.Resource = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Resource("resourceCode");
effort.TimeObject = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.ServiceCall("callID");
foreach (SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Task taskObj in SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Task.GetTasks(effort.TimeObject, effort.Resource))
effort.Task = taskObj;
effort.StartTime = new TimeSpan(8, 0, 0);
effort.EndTime = new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0);
effort.Date = DateTime.Today;
Add expense
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Effort baseEffort = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Effort("Code of an existing effort");
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.EffortCharges expense = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.EffortCharges(baseEffort);
expense.Charges = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Charges("Effort type code");
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Amount externalAmount = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Amount();
externalAmount.BaseAmount = 100.0; /*external amount in local currency*/
expense.AmountExternal = externalAmount;
Add worktime
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.WorkTime worktime = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.WorkTime();
worktime.Resource = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Resource("resourceCode");
worktime.StartTime = new TimeSpan(8, 0, 0);
worktime.EndTime = new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0);
worktime.Date = DateTime.Today;
Add special condition on a sales order
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.SpecialItem specialItem = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.SpecialItem();
specialItem.TimeObject = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.DocSalesOrder("docEntry");
specialItem.EffortType = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.EffortType("effortTypeCode");
specialItem.Description = "Special Item Description";
Billing Wizard V1: Change document just before it gets added
SWA_CT.Events.Document.ChangeDocumentEvent += delegate(SAPbobsCOM.Documents document)
//example 1: change NumAtCard with own reference
document.NumAtCard = "1234567";
//example 2: change business partner of the document
document.CardCode = "C10000";
//example 3: remove discounts on the lines if the base document is a service call
for(int i = 0; i < document.Lines.Count; i++)
//return if line is referenced to something else than service call
if(document.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_SWA_CT_BType").Value.ToString() != "191"/*service call*/)
document.Lines.DiscountPercent = 0;
Billing Wizard V2: Change document just before it gets added
COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.BillingWizardEvents.OnBeforeDocumentAdd += delegate(SAPbobsCOM.Documents document)
//example 1: change NumAtCard with own reference
document.NumAtCard = "1234567";
//example 2: change business partner of the document
document.CardCode = "C10000";
//example 3: remove discounts on the lines if the base document is a service call
for(int i = 0; i < document.Lines.Count; i++)
//return if line is referenced to something else than service call
if(document.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_SWA_CT_BType").Value.ToString() != "191"/*service call*/)
document.Lines.DiscountPercent = 0;
Billing Wizard V2: Change data before the SAP document is created.
This Event is sent before the SAPbobsCOM.Documents document is created.
- With UseB1Pricing, the SAP price logic can be used (BP Special prices, etc.) on this line, overriding any prices inserted during recording
- With ForceNonChargeable, the line can be set to Non Chargeable resulting in a 100% Discount
COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.BillingWizardEvents.OnBeforeDocumentCreation += delegate(COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.ISummaryLine line)
foreach (var detail in line.GetEfforts())
detail.UseB1Pricing = true;
detail.ForceNonChargeable = true;
foreach (var detail in line.GetMaterials())
detail.UseB1Pricing = true;
How to exclude a certain Business Partner from the list of objects to invoice, displayed by the Billing Wizard.
COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.BillingWizardEvents.OnGetBillableObjects += delegate(ref System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.IRow2> objects)
System.Collections.Generic.List<COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.IRow2> filtered = new System.Collections.Generic.List<COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.IRow2>();
foreach (var row in objects)
if (row.CardCode != "C23900")
// replace the original list with the filtered list
objects = filtered;
Time recording: Change Charges before they get added. This also works similarly with other types like Efforts. The steps can also be used to interact with objects synchronized from the Cloud
SWA_CT_DI.Customization.GetInstance().LogicObjectBeforeSave += delegate(SWA_CT_DI.Logic.LogicObject lgo)
if (lgo.GetType().ToString() == "SWA_CT_DI.Logic.EffortCharges")
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.EffortCharges eff = (SWA_CT_DI.Logic.EffortCharges) lgo;
//change distance of Charges with own value
eff.Distance = 2.0;
UI Operations
Add new effort to a time project and open time recording form
SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Project timeObject = new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Project("projectCode");
Disable tab on time recording form
SWA_CT_UI.Customization.GetInstance().EnableTab += delegate(SWA_CT_DI.Logic.User user, string tabName)
if(tabName=="tab_journal") /*tab_journal, tab_workTime, tab_detailed, tab_weekly also available*/
return false;
return true;
Open existing subscription
SWA_CT.View.FormObjects.FormObject.ShowObject("SWA_CT_SUBSCR"/*object type*/, "9"/*object code*/);
Modify the Internal Description based on the linked object
/*This example checks the object linked to an effort. When the object is a service call and the service call has a contract template linked to it then the "Internal Description" is populated with the contract template name.*/
SWA_CT_UI.Customization.GetInstance().CheckEffortOnCreateEffortOnDetailedViewBeforeOpenRemarks += delegate(SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Effort effort)
if(!(effort.TimeObject is SWA_CT_DI.Logic.ServiceCall))
return true;
string code = effort.TimeObject.Code;
string query = @"SELECT T0.contractID, ISNULL(T1.[CntrcTmplt],'') AS [ContractTemplateName]
FROM OSCL T0 LEFT JOIN OCTR T1 ON T0.contractID = T1.ContractID
WHERE T0.callID = " + code + "";
using(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader rdr = SwissAddonFramework.B1Connector.GetB1Connector().ExecuteQuery(query))
if (rdr.Read())
string contractTemplateName = rdr["ContractTemplateName"].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contractTemplateName))
effort.InternalDescription = "[Contract: " + contractTemplateName + "]";
catch (Exception innerException)
Debug.WriteMessage("Inner Error on rule " + pVal.RuleInfo.RuleName + ":" + innerException.Message, SwissAddonFramework.Messaging.Debug.DebugLevel.Exception);
return true;
Define for which TimeObjects effort can be recorded (in Extended Object Search)
/*This code defines which TimeObjects can be used for time recording. All wanted objects can be added to the list.*/
SWA_CT_DI.Customization.GetInstance().TimeObjectList += delegate(System.Collections.Generic.List<SWA_CT_DI.Logic.TimeObject> lst)
System.Collections.Generic.List<SWA_CT_DI.Logic.TimeObject> newLst = new System.Collections.Generic.List<SWA_CT_DI.Logic.TimeObject>();
newLst.Add(new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.ServiceCall());
newLst.Add(new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.Project());
newLst.Add(new SWA_CT_DI.Logic.BusinessPartner());
return newLst;
Billing Wizard V2: Change properties of 3rd screen
/*This code is able to modify the properties of the 3rd screen of the billing wizard v2 such as document type, series, draft*/
COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.BillingWizardEvents.OnSummary += delegate(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.ISummaryLine> summary)
foreach (COR_BillingWizard.Logic.BillingWizard.ISummaryLine sl in summary)
sl.TargetObjectIsDraft = true; //set target document by default as draft
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