Important Notes
The samples and information below is provided without a warranty of any kind. This post is for informational purposes and coresystems ag assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the information provided.
Attached are 6 rules to be used as templates when creating Optimizer, New Menu or Function Button rule with C# or VB.
These template rules should be used by every developer to follow best practise guidelines in relatation to description and error handling. This ensures easier maintenance and trouble shooting of customize rules.
The templates require coresuite Version 3.50 or higher, and SAP Business One 8.8 or higher.
Procedure to use these templates
1. Download the attached FAQ_10121_TEMPLATES.cocu file
2. Import in SAP Business One via > Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite customize > Import / Export > Import rules. In the message box, select “All Inactive”. Click on “Import”.
3. Whenever you want to create a new Optimizer, Function Button or New Menu rule with C# or VB duplicate the corresponding rules and adjust the name and code according to your requirements
Procedure to adjust these templates
Adjust the rule name and description and add your code under
// Your Code
Preview Sample (Optimizer Rule C#):
***** General Information *****
Creator: <company name>, <devleoper name, email or initials>
Create Date: YYYY-MM-DD
***** StartConfDesc *****
<Your Description of the Customize Rule in English>
***** EndConfDesc *****
***** Updates *****
YYYY-MM-DD, name: Update Comment
string ruleName = pVal.RuleInfo.RuleName.ToString();
string errorMessage = "Error in Optimizer Rule '" + ruleName + "'";
StatusBar.WriteWarning("DEBUG - Rule: " + ruleName + " was triggered.");
// Your Code
catch(System.Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(errorMessage + ": \n" + ex.Message, "OK");
StatusBar.WriteError(errorMessage + ": " + ex.Message);
Debug.WriteMessage(errorMessage + ": " + ex.Message, Debug.DebugLevel.Exception);
return true;
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