get itemcodes from matrix in one string
Hi ,
i'm trying to create a link with all the itemcodes from an offer.
The links is :,A10002
this part is fixed:
But then the second part should be populated with the Itemcodes from the matrix.
I'm using similar code to open a track and trace link but this only has 1 value added in the url.
Dim sShipping As String = TextEdit.GetFromUID(pVal.Form, "251").Value.ToString
StatusBar.WriteSucess(" sShipping : " & sShipping)
Dim gls As String = ""
Dim url As String = gls & sShipping
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Probleem bij het oproepen van de Track & Trace Link: " & ex.Message, "OK")
End Try
So can someone show me how to get the Itemcode from the matrix into a string with , separation
Official comment
Hi Tom,
you need to loop through the matrix as below:
Dim ruleName As String = pVal.RuleInfo.RuleName
Dim errorMessage As String = "Error in Function Button Rule '" + ruleName + "'"
Dim base As String = ""
Dim url As String = base
'Run trough all rows
Dim m As Matrix = Matrix.GetFromUID(pVal.Form, "38")
For i As Integer = 0 To m.Rows.Count - 1
Dim itemCode As String = m.GetValue("1", i)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemCode) Then
url = url + m.GetValue("1", i) + ","
End If
If url.Trim().Substring(url.Length - 1, 1) = "," Then
url = url.Trim().Substring(0, url.Length - 1)
End If
MessageBox.Show(url, "ok")
Catch ex As Exception
customize.Messaging.StatusBar.WriteError("Error in coresuite customize Rule: " & ex.ToString())
customize.Messaging.Debug.WriteMessage("Error in coresuite customize Rule: " & ex.ToString(), customize.Messaging.Debug.DebugLevel.Exception)
End TryPlease check and feel free to customize the rule as necessary for the purpose.
Best Regards
Karsten Amrein
this works great
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