DOC40002 batch mail
Massimo Ennio
From the List of customers to send the relevant Marketing Documents in a batch.
look the word doc attachment
I would send mail through outlook, but the programma notify a policy
a program is trying to send an email on your behalf
i tried to set the outlook policy,
i also try to modify the windows registry .....
but the problem doesn't resolve in any mode
what i can try to do?
Paolo Manfrin
Ciao Massimo,
have you had a look at this Microsoft note?
Which version of Outlook are you using?
Massimo Ennio
Outlook 2007 but the problem is the same on Outlook 2010
SAP 8.82
I tried to set the Outlook policy as written in Microsoft note
the antivirus software is updated correctly.
but the problem persist
Philipp Knecht
Hi Massimo
The email mode "MAPI diretto" is heavely relying on system security settings and antivirus sofware can have side effects on it.
To avoid this you should use "SMTP diretto".
Don't forget to configure a smtp server in the coresuite designer configuration
(ask your system admins for a account or use a google account)
Hope this helps
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