Column is not a text Column
Roberto Marra
Hi there,I don't know what's wrong anyway... What Im trying to do is open a ChooseFromList when a user DblClick on a ItemCode of a Sales Order so this is the code:
//Ottengo il riferimento alla griglia delle righe dell'ordine
Matrix mtxOrdine = Matrix.GetFromUID(frm.Form, "38");
SwissAddonFramework.UI.Dialogs.ChooseFromList cflMatrix = new SwissAddonFramework.UI.Dialogs.ChooseFromList(new SwissAddonFramework.UI.Dialogs.ChooseFromList.SQLQuery
("SELECT ItemCode, ItemName FROM OITM"), "ItemCode", true, true, mtxTmp, e.ColUID);
is the first column of the matrixe.ColUID
Compiling no problem when I run it I got this message that you find in the attachment
I forgot to say that Im using or try to use this Constructor:
public ChooseFromList(ChooseFromList.SQLQuery query, string primaryFieldName, bool displayPrimaryField, bool mandatory, Matrix saveValueTo, string colUniqueId);
Thx for any help
Michael Egloff
Hi,is there something wrong with the naming of the matrix?
you define a matrix called: "mtxOrdine"
but in the choosefromlist you call it: "mtxTmp"
Roberto Marra
Hi Michael,yeah you're right but was just a typo. I don't know but I think is related with the fact that I want to open a ChooseFromList inside an EventHandler. I try to open a ChooseFromList with a DblClick and maybe a ChooseFromList works only with the TAB.
Marco Schweighauser
Hello Roberto,do you know which type the matrix column has ? It seems that it is something like a drop down but it souhld be a native text column.
Kind regards,
Roberto Marra
Hi Marco,the column is the first column of the sales order row, the itemCode to be clear. Btw, I guess Im trying to do something in a wrong way. Im trying to open a ChooseFromList when the user press DblClick, and usually the CFL are opened by a TAB key.
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