What would be the best way to fill five values on a row when you choose an itemcode?
Bart De Cattelle
Dear all,We have a rule that is setting five values on a row in a matrix upon change of itemcode column.
Now it is very slow.
We are using setValue, Freeze and unfreeze.
Is there a better way to do this?
Paolo Manfrin
Hi Bart,the values you are setting are UDFs or standard SAP fields?
If UDF you can use SetValueWithoutValidation.
Kind Regards,
Bart De Cattelle
Dear Paolo,Both, but would there be a way to write the line back in one time instead of setting five values on that row?
Kind regards
Paolo Manfrin
Hi Bart,unfortunately this is not possible as far as I know.
Use SetValueWithoutValidation whenever possible and check if the performance improve
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