Issue with SIP Update
Chris Kroos
Hi,I have an issue with updating an add-on.
I did the following steps:
1) Packing of the complete released/compiled folder into a zip file. The folder included the SAPBobsCom.dll, Loader.dll, SAPBoui.exe etc.
2) Rename of the zip file to a sip file.
3) I wanted to update now the add-on. I changed to ModuleVersion now to 2.0 and the Assembly Information to
4) I ziped now only the DLL file, because I found out that the complete folder is not necessary.
5) I renamed the zip file to sip.
6) I loaded the sip file in B1, and I got the version number 1.
7) The add-on is not updated.
I got also an error when coresuite is started now, because of the Loader.dll which can not overwrited. Another thing is, that the folder name in step 2 was release. In step 4 the name is now BoMManagement.
What can I do to update the add-on now?
Thanks Chris
Chris Kroos
Hi,I found a half solution.
The update must have the same file name as the old filename.
It doesn't matter if the add-on has the same name. It is always filename related.
What can I do now to give the files a proper name in the future?
Regards Chris
Marco Schweighauser
Hi,please Zip only your DLL and neccessary file folders. The name (of the DLL and Sip) of the new update should be the same as the old files, because as you find out by yourself the update process only replace the files.
You can delete old SIP files from the Table "modules" inside the "coresuite" database to get rid of the wrong SIP files.
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