Folder without controls
Massimiliano Luppis
Greetings,with Screen Painter I designed a form with six folder, each one showing several controls (textedit, checkbox and so on).
The XML form is then loaded with the usual GetFormFromFile method of the Form object and it shows exactly what I had designed.
The second time I opened the project and launched it the form shows only empty folders, no controls !
I tried to reopen the XML file in Screen Painter, run the preview and voilĂ , all controls are now visible.
I saved the file, with no changes at all, run again the project and the form shows all controls; now if I close SBO and the project and reopen both the loop restart: folders without controls.
I am using SBO 2005A SP:01 PL:18, any idea about that ?
Thanks in advance
Adrian Meier
Hi MassimilianoIs it possible that you try to open the same form with the same unique id twice? If yes, change every time the unique id.
HTH, Adrian
Massimiliano Luppis
No Adrian,the form is opened only once and however I always use
to ensure any form with a unique id.
Adrian Meier
Hi MassimilianoDo you have any occuring Exception which you catch, or have you activeted a wrong pane level?
Massimiliano Luppis
No exception, all the code seems to work well.The strange thing is that when I open the XML form in the Screen Painter folders are populated with all controls I designed.
If I save the XML from Screen Painter and run again the project, the Form is ok displaying controls and it remains ok until I close SBO and Visual Studio.
When I start a new session, loading the project and running it, all controls are not visible.
I also tried to show in a message box Visible and Enabled properties of one of the controls and both properties are set to true.
Finally I tried to select a particular folder by code but in this case also controls are still invisible.
Please note that this form was created by scratch in the Screen Painter, so I think that there are no properties with strange values inherited from other forms.
Adrian Meier
Hi MassimilanoI would test it also with an other patch level. With pl18 i hadn't any problems in UI but I would it test anyway on an other pl. Did you looked threw the xml-file also manually, because screen painter does sometimes some strange things. I do not work with screen painter. I create all my forms manually (xml).
Massimiliano Luppis
Adrian,as usually you were right !
Every time I opened the form in Screen Painter, it force the PANE parameter to 0 so only controls with FromPane=0 ToPane=0 were visible. Obviously in Screen Painter the PaneLevel is not tested so all controls were displayed.
I think that I will follow your tip and work directly with XML.
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