Suchvorschläge in der enterprise search deaktivieren
Daniel Ruther
Hallo,wir sind beim Testen mit großen Datenmengen (ca. 500000 Geschäftsparter) auf ein Problem mit der enterprise Search gestoßen.
Wenn wir direkt einen Begriff eingeben und auf den Suchenbutton klicken, funktioniert die Suche und man bekommt auch relativ schnell ein Ergebnis.
Allerdings taucht immer wieder die Vorschlagsliste auf und das mit teilweise völlig falschen Vorschlägen. Daher die Frage, ob man diese Vorschläge irgendwie unterdrücken kann.
Gruß Daniel
Paolo Manfrin
Hi Daniel, this option will be implemented in the future.Kind Regards,
Daniel Ruther
Hi Paolo,is there a plan, when it will be implemented?
Kind Regards,
Paolo Manfrin
Hi Daniel,so far there is no specific planning date defined.
Here the JIRA entry reference that you can use in order to contact support and have an update about the current status of this requirement.
JIRA entry: CSENSE-187
By the way do you know that if you disable the categories Contacts, Employees, Items the autocompletition menu is not displayed? Of course the drawback is that you don't have results which belongs to that category but if you don't use those categories you can disable them. This would improve the search speed.
Please chech the enterprise search manual for more info.
Kind Regards, paolo
Daniel Ruther
Hi Paolo,thanks for your reply.
The Problem is, that the customer uses the category BusinessPartner to get the detailed information on an incoming call.
The second Problem is, that the customer wants to start at 01/01/2012 with 500.000 BPs and more then 60.000 Sales Orders p.a.. When we are not able to deactivate the autocompletition, the customer won't be able to use the enterprise search.
Is it possible to raise up the priority of this requirement?
Kind Regards, Daniel
Paolo Manfrin
Hi Daniel,please get in contact with Sonja from support to discuss a temporary solution.
Kind Regards,
Paolo Manfrin
Hi Daniel,in release 3.70 there will be a new property called U_EnableSuggestList in the table [@COR_SEARCH_CONF]
When this contains the value 'N' the suggestion list will not be displayed.
At the moment we will not expose this setting via UI as it is not a major request.
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