Configure Incoming Payments (ISR)
Emanuele Croci
Dear all,
actually, importing a file using the Incoming Payments (ISR), the module reads the third date, but I need it reads the second date.
See following example:
0020100117281007660000000009960065354140001233790 13092713100113093000000000000000000000000
Actually it reads "30/09/2013" but I need to reconfigure the module to read the second date "01/10/2013".
Is it possible to configure the Incoming Payments (ISR) loading procedure?
Please, can someone help me?
Best regards
Emanuele Croci
Dear all,
can someone help me, please?
Is it possible to configure the Incoming Payments (ISR) loading procedure?
Best regards
Adrian Meier
Hi Emanuele
This request is handled over
Emanuele Croci
Dear all,
I receive this response from Coresystems:
There is no configuration to change this behaviour. There is a standard specification that defines that the first date is the order date, the second the processing date and the third the credit date. Therefore all banks in Switzerland should deliver the file as specified. In this case only the 3rd date makes sense.
From which bank do you receive this file or why do you want to read the 2nd date instead of the 3rd?
Freundliche Grüsse / Best regards
Adrian Meier
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