Urgent : SwissPayment don't run correctly
Bernhard Jonas
Hello,A user has a problem with the SwissPayment, at the last step of Wizard of payments when you click Run, BO generates the data and don't stop, and it doesn't answer. The problem appears only with one user. I already destroyed SM_OBS_DLL.
Thank you in advance for your help
Adrian Meier
Hi JonasPlease document this failure with printscreens and attach it zo this thread. Please also give us the SAP version and the swissPayment version.
Best regards, Adrian
Bernhard Jonas
Hi Adrian,The problem is that not error message, SwissPayment generates data and never finish (It doesn't answer).
The version of SwissPayment is 1.3.6733 and the version of BO is 2005 PL45
Thank you for your help
Adrian Meier
Hi JonasImport the attached file to your system. It is the verison for 2007 but it runs also on 2005. If it still dosen't work, please attach the coresuiteDebugLog.xml-File.
HTH, Adrian
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