Contact in ISR incoming payments
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,I have a question when I import the bank file in ISR incoming payments.
Why it is necessary to have the contact of Business Partner for create an incoming payment?
Because, when I print the list, there is this message :
-10 the contact listed in the data base partner is not valid [ORCT.CntctCode][line : 1]
Can you explain me?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséWhich SAP Version do you use? Did you tried that also manually?
Best regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,I use SBO 2007 PL 38 with last version of swisspayment.
If I try to create an incoming payment without contact, a error message display, but I can create this incoming payment...
Thank you for your answer.
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséJust I tried it on my system, also PL38, and it works without a contact person. I don't know, perhaps thsi is a setting?
We use the standard sdk from sap. If it isn't possible to add an object, the system throws an exception. Badly the sdk throws also an exception if in UI it is just a warning.
The only possibility is to find a setting in sap, which disable this message or make a note to SAP.
Sorry, but it isn't possible that we can program some workarounds for such issues.
Best regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,I tried to find a setting but nothing to change this problem.
However, I would like that you read note 1114797 from SAP.
The error occurs only in this situation:
When CntctPrsn field is filled and that the partner has no contact information on the tab contact.
You can do something to avoid this mistake. (Note SAP)
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséWith the "Contact"-TAB of of the Business Partners do you mean the Address?
Best Regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,Please, see attachment with better explination.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
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