can't run/install swisspayment
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,I have a strange problem with swisspayment.
On my system, I can start swisspayment on database XYZ.
Now, if I restore XYZ database in a VMWare, swisspayment doesn't start. Coresuite designer starts very well but not swissPayment.
I don't understand where comes the problem. Is this the system? (Windows Server 2003 ???)
Can you help me please ??
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséIs swissPayment on your VMWare installed? If yes, please attach the debug-File after the starting process.
Best Regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,It create folder SWA_PY in SAPSAP Business One... but in database it doesn't create table SWA_PY.
Best Regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséIs this version 2007? If yes, it is possible that the system cannot add udo's. so in this case please call me, that I can halp you with this problem by remote.
Please call me today or tommorrow. Make not that we have company vacations the next two weeks.
Best regards, Adrian
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