Update BETA 0.2.2211
Adrian Meier
Die Änderungen an coresuite management (time, service, project) werden ab sofort unter folgender Adresse beschrieben:http://www.coresuite.ch/index.php?id=390&L=
Vorsicht: Die neue Version unterstützt Abwesenheiten. Falls diese verwendet werden ist damit zu rechnen, dass die mitgelieferten Layouts momentan falsche Werte zurückliefern.
Die Änderungen:
- private car costs on resource automatic calculation of internal charges costs with private car
- bugfix: effort overview
- calculate time values to decimal values
- jump to date
- linked sales order to project
- added distribution rule as object and additional parameter to internal type
- bugfix: update week overview after adding new effort
- bugfix: not allowed loading worktime dto with empty code
- added menu items for service module on web
- bugfix: contextmenus for efforts, charges, etc... on all forms
- bugfix: contextmenus for copy to object and come/go visible on all forms
- bugfix: disable menuItems on WEB
- added tabs to project
- error message if no employee linked to the logged in user
- bugfix: an error has occured if clicked to standard checkbox on ressource item if it wasn't added
- search implementation on project
- extended service call on WEB
- isTravel property on charges definition
- privateCarAsDefault property on resource
- show no effort selected component by switching week
- userField1 +2 on object charges
- zipCode on objectCharges
- added opportunity as bookabletimeobject
- bugfix on objectchoosefromlist
- show resource name on effort object view grid
- userfields on internal category
- duelist on project
- paid and invoiced date on effort and effortCharges
- paid and invoiced flag on effort and effortCharges
- invoiced and paid checkboxes on effort grids and effortcharges
- copy activity to efforts by adding
- function button management on general config
- message if user enter some not clearable time that the user has to enter some remarks for it
- reactivated absencetype on worktimes
- on subscription: only service contracts & projects of given businesspartner choosable
- after billingWizard run set Property and date invoiced on efforts
- absencetypes on general config
- absencetypes on come/go grid
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