error when scan BVR
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,I have a message error when a scan a second BVR.
Example :
I scan a BVR and I create the invoice. It works fine. Now (without close window), I scan a second BVR and I have a message error.
Can you help me please?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséIs this the SAp Version 2005?
Best regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,Yes, this is SAP 2005SP01PL45.
I have this problem in all database.
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséThis is since a patch level of pl4.... In the swissPayment Version 2007 it should be solved. I would propose that you open for each invoice a new form, so you don't have this error. With the version for 2007 you can work the normal way.
HTH, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,Patrick said me that you maybe resolve this problem (error when scanning second time).
Have you news about this?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséActually please use the workaround that you open every time a new invoice form. It wasn't possible actually to solve the problem.
We are in discussion with SAP that we can program this part new without remote form control. We want to create draft documents, because this is much easier than to change the process for every sap patch level.
Best regards, Adrian
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