Impossible to copy data
José Luis De Oliveira
Hello,So the problem is this: When I scan the BVR (orange card for a bill), the data are partly copied. The reference number is copied to the bill but when I lie account number (first number) to a supplier, swisspaiement doesn't copy this information in the form partner. I don't understand where the problem is coming ...
Version of swisspaiement : 1.3.5168
Thank you for your reply
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséThe Version of swissPayment is the latest one for the SAP Version 2005. I do not understand which field exactly you mean. Please attach a file (it can be also a word file), where you can show me which fields you mean.
Best Regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,I created a doc file with the explication of the problem with his conduct. I hope you understand better my problem.
Thank you
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséNow I understand what you mean. What version of SAP Business One do you use?
Please send me after you do this action the coresuiteDebugLog.xml-File. You'll find it if you go to Start-->Execute-->%temp%-->ENTER
Best Regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,The version of Business One is BO2005A SP1 PL 16.
Here is the XML file. I hope you can solve this problem.
Best regards.
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséIt is strange. In the Debug-File I dod not found errors. Do you have the possibility to test this on a newer patch level?
Best Regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,Unfortunately, I didn't have the possibility to test on a newer version. However, I have tested on the same database, but older. Swisspayment copy of the bank details on the partner.
I can't find differences between the two databases.
Best regards,
Adrian Meier
Hi JoséWOuld it be possible, that you load the database to an ftp server. So I can test it for you. Please send me an email to adrian.meier(at) that I can send you the login data.
Best Regards, Adrian
José Luis De Oliveira
Hi Adrian,I just send you my email address.
Best regards,
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