Group headers and footers not visible
Massimo Sommaruga
In a report I made, often the LD doesnt show in the page the group header of a new item or the group footer of the last item.
Which is the problem?
kind regards.
Philipp Knecht
Hi Massimo
Was a bug and is resolved with 1.30
Massimo Sommaruga
Hi Philipp,
as I wrote to you in another post, I've just installed the LD version 1.30. The problem at the group header level is solved, but the group footers are not yet visibles when they are at the bottom of the page, just above the page footer. What can I do?
Massimo Sommaruga
Hi Philipp,
do you have any news about this issue? Unfortunately I still have problem viewing/printing the subtotal I inserted at group footer level. Often the group footer is not visible when it has to be rendered at the bottom of the page. I tried to solve the problem setting the property "min space after" on the previuos object (i.e. the detail or the previous group footer), but it's not a real clean solution.
Is this problem solved on the new layout designer verson (beta)?
I've read on perpetuum software web site that group header and footer objects changed in report rendering engine designer. Will this change affect Coresuite layout designer?
Philipp Knecht
Hi Massimo
This is resolved with new beta.
With the new beta you also can use those new Grouping Mechanisms. The old ones weren't touched so they should continue to work.
Giovanni Carletti
Hello Phillip,
I've this problem on my report and also on ageing list.. could you send a email when you release the beta without this problem?
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