Pick List Report
Christophe FOLLIET
Hi I wanto to create a Pick List Report.Is there a person who create this report with swiss LD.
HOw to use variable because the différent field int the standard report of sbo are based on variable beacause it's not saved on a simple table like OPKL.
Christophe FOLLIET
HII don't have any answer in mail and in this forum.
Can you please answer!
Manuel Grenacher
1) Make a Query Like SELECT T0.* FROM OPKL T0 WHERE T0.AbsEntry = [%AbsEntry] and Save as PickList in a Folder (Like SWA_LD_Document)When you need more Information make Inner Joins to your Date.
2) Make a Query with all Rows Item like SELECT T0.*, T1.* FROM PKL1 T0 INNER JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0.OrderEntry=T1.DocEntry AND T0.OrderLine=T1.LineNum WHERE T0.AbsEntry = [%AbsEntry] and Save as PickListRow.
3) Make a new Entry to the SWA_LD_Formtype (UDO) like Uxxxx, Name=PickListForm, Formtype=85
4) Make a new Entry to the SWA_LD_Param (UDO) like Uxxxxx, Name=AbsEntry, Item=6, Add the Formtype ->PickListForm to the AbsEntry Parameter (doubbleclick Head from Param AbsEntry)
5.1) Make a New Layout: Name=Picklist, Design FormType = 85:PickListForm, Layout Type = Document
5.2) Add in Column "Query" -> SWA_LD_Documet:PickList and in Column "Query 2" -> SWA_LD_Documet:PickListRow, "Link Field" and "Link Field 2" Column = AbsEntry
5.3) Go to Parameters Folder an click on "Get from Datasource" Button. The AbsEntry Param will auto. add. Define a Layoutvalue in the "Design Param SQL" like 1 oder a Query like SELECT MAX(AbsEntry) FROM OPKL
5.4) Start the Layouter and Make your Layout, Make a DataBank with DataSource = SWA_LD_Documet:PickListRow. Add a Detail an Move your Data to the Details form the DataSource Register.
View the Expert Session Video
Christophe FOLLIET
ThanksIt look good and I can select a lot of different informations.
But if i want to group by itemcode and calculate sum(quantity) in the report.
HOw to do this? I have to create a new databand ?
Manuel Grenacher
You have to group by the query -> Select itemCode... group by ItemCodeIn the Layout you can define a Aggregates on the DataBand -> Aggregates Collection Property (Scripts)
1) Make an Aggregate Names TotalQuantity and Expression like dataBand1("Quantity") on the dataBand1
2) Define a Footer in the dataBand1 an put a TextBox in it.
3) In the Value Binding of the TextBox can you Ask the Sum Like dataBand1.Sum("TotalQuantity")
When you need Groups -> Like ItmsGroups -> You can define in the Aggregates "Group Collection" (Like dataBand1("ItmGrps")...
Make a GroupFooter with Binding group -> dataBand1("ItmGrps")
To Ask Now the Sum per ItemGroup -> dataBand1.Sum("TotalQuantity",dataBand1("ItmGrps"))
See the Video Dunning -> Mahnung on the swissLD Module Content
Marcus Schmalz
Der Link zum Video "Erstellen einer PickList (Form 85) (DE)" aus dem Downloadbereich funktioniert leider nicht richtig.http://www.coresuite.ch/index.php?id=473&file=1A119B0&no_cache=1&uid=2476
Steffen Kamphoff
Hallo,die Vorlage für die Pickliste hat mir wirkilch geholfen. Jedoch hat diese einen Schönheitsfehler. Wenn man Aufträge und Vorkassen mischt, summiert die List falsche Positionen miteinander.
Dies kommt daher, dass der Verweis auf die Positionszeilen per RDR1 geschieht, bei Vorkassen die Positionen jedoch in INV1 stehen. Da die Laufnummer der Vorkasserechnung nicht unbedingt gleich der Auftragsnummer ist, kann es zu erheblichen Problemen kommen.
Aus diesem Grunde gebe ich als Tipp, Aufträge und Vorkassen getrennt zu kommissionieren, und für die Vorkassen ein 2. Layout anzulegen mit einsprechendem Query.
P.S. Wenn jemand eine Idee hat, wie man beides in eine Liste korrekt zusammenfassen kann, wärs natürlich besser.
Frank Scharfscheer
Hi Manuel,we implemented the solution as described but unfortunately the batch printing picks the last created pick list (Max(AbsEntry). In our case we've chosen all open pick lists in the batch printing window and from there we highlighted some of them in order to print them.
Thank you for your help in advance.
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