coresuite service How to monitor errors?
Hi all,
we have issues with report subscription. We are sending some reports at the morning and at the evening. Sometimes the reports are not sended, because i.e. a deadlock happens.
How is the best practices to monitor errors that occur in the coresuite service?
I have found the errors only in the log-file, but it is hard to check automated every new line in this file.
There is also the table @COR_CUSTOM_SVCLOG, but I does not log any errors, It logs only something like "Remote Printing - file ... hast been processed succesfully."
Has someone any suggestions?
Moin MW,
If you would find a good solution for the subscriptions I'am interested,too.
To make it a little bit easier you can use a LogViewer to filter a little bit easier.
The SVCLOG is only used when you use the service-rules and batch-printing.
A lot of subscriptions can be solved with it too, because you can call PrintDef with it too.
See: SAMPLE: Print Open Sales Orders
Another oppotunity is that you can run them with Load Balancing
see: SAMPLE: Print Open Sales Orders Load Balancing
To write the log you can do something like this
// Write LogCoresuiteServiceAPI.DebugLog.Info(companyDatabase, "ATP Export abgeschlossen");// CoresuiteServiceAPI.DebugLog.Debug(companyDatabase, "DEBUG");// CoresuiteServiceAPI.DebugLog.Error(companyDatabase, "Error");// Open the Excel file if requiredif (openAfterSave)System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filePath);}}catch (Exception ex){CoresuiteServiceAPI.DebugLog.Error("e3dc2014", "ATP Export " + ex.ToString());//StatusBar.WriteError(errorMsg + ": " + ex.ToString());//Debug.WriteMessage(errorMsg + ": " + ex.ToString(), SwissAddonFramework.Messaging.Debug.DebugLevel.Always);regards Lothar
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