Coresuite Service -- How to use Customize Namespace
I have a function button and now want to transform it to a service rule.
It seems like I cannot use the "Customize" Namespace like
SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany = customize.B1Connector.GetB1Connector().Company;
Can somebody tell me how to include it or do I have to re-write my code?
I can't find a Documentation for Coresuite-Service - I guess I just didn't find it. Maybe here someone can help as well?
I can't find a Documentation for Coresuite-Service - I guess I just didn't find it. Maybe here someone can help as well?
Kind Regards
string companyDatabase = @"YOUR_DB";
using (CoresuiteServiceAPI.SAPConnection sap = CoresuiteServiceAPI.SAPConnection.CreateConnection(companyDatabase)) {
SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany = sap.GetB1Connector().Company;
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