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Easy Function in Optimizer



  • Official comment
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Radek,


    I'm not sure what you mean by "it should be visible in Optimizer". 


    Easy functions can be started with the following code:

    COR_Utility.Logic.EasyFunction.EasyFunctionExecutor.ExecuteRule("Name of the function", pVal);


    Else you might want to utilize the "Extended code"-functionality of Coresuite Customize and create a global method.


    Does this answer your question?


    Kind Regards

    Karsten Amrein

  • Radosław Kowal

    Hi Karsten,

    Basically I meant: when I go to Administration/Add-ons/coresuite customize/Optimizer in B1, then I can see a list or rules. In version 6.75 I can see all of them, including Easy functions and Row Functions (column 'Type'). In v. 6.41 I can't see rules of type Easy- or Row Function. 

    The reason why I'd like to see those rules there is that it is quite easy to adjust the scope of the rule - in terms of for which form the rule is valid. All I need to do is to go to 'Form Type' column and add/remove the form type. 

    More than this: when I use 'Switch' button in Optimizer and I try to search for the Easy Function in 6.41 I'm not able to find it.

    My question was: is it normal behavior that I can't see Easy- and Row Functions in Optimizer in version 6.41? Or is it a bug? 

    Kind regards,


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Radek,


    thank you for your explanation. 

    In that case I would kindly ask you to create a ticket in our support portal so we can check the issue with you.



    Kind Regards


  • jamesyashh

    Thanks for sharing good information about optimizer i am learning new things



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