Easy Function in Optimizer
Could you please explain if after successful creation of Easy Function it should be visible in Optimizer? In general I'd like to be able to use the same function for different forms, for instance for Sales Order and Sales Quotation. And the only way to achieve that (that I'm aware of), would be to use the settings in Optimizer. But it seems that I can't see Easy Function in Optimizer in coresuite version 6.41. Is it an error or normal behaviour?
Kind regards,
Official comment
Hi Radek,
I'm not sure what you mean by "it should be visible in Optimizer".
Easy functions can be started with the following code:
COR_Utility.Logic.EasyFunction.EasyFunctionExecutor.ExecuteRule("Name of the function", pVal);
Else you might want to utilize the "Extended code"-functionality of Coresuite Customize and create a global method.
Does this answer your question?
Kind Regards
Karsten Amrein
Hi Karsten,
Basically I meant: when I go to Administration/Add-ons/coresuite customize/Optimizer in B1, then I can see a list or rules. In version 6.75 I can see all of them, including Easy functions and Row Functions (column 'Type'). In v. 6.41 I can't see rules of type Easy- or Row Function.
The reason why I'd like to see those rules there is that it is quite easy to adjust the scope of the rule - in terms of for which form the rule is valid. All I need to do is to go to 'Form Type' column and add/remove the form type.
More than this: when I use 'Switch' button in Optimizer and I try to search for the Easy Function in 6.41 I'm not able to find it.
My question was: is it normal behavior that I can't see Easy- and Row Functions in Optimizer in version 6.41? Or is it a bug?
Kind regards,
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Hi Radek,
thank you for your explanation.
In that case I would kindly ask you to create a ticket in our support portal so we can check the issue with you.
Kind Regards
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Thanks for sharing good information about optimizer i am learning new things
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